Business Analysis
- What is Business Analysis ?
- The Value of Business Analysis ?
- What Problems does it Address?
- Requirements
- Who Performs Business Analysis?
- The Business Analyst Role
- Overview of Stakeholders
- The Project Manager
- The Developer
- The QA/Testing Professional
- Management
- The Front Line
- Managing Stakeholder Conflict
- Overview of Life Cycles
- The PLC and SDLC
- Waterfall and Iterative SDLCs
- Agile SDLCs
- The Product Life Cycle
- Requirements Life Cycles
- NorwalkAberdeen's Requirements Definition Model
- Life Cycles
- Overview of Requirements
- Attributes of Good Requirements
- Business Requirements
- User Requirements
- Functional Requirements
- Nonfunctional Requirements
- Requirement Sources
- Gathering Requirements in One-on-One Interviews
- Gathering Requirements in Group Interviews
- Common Requirements Documents
- Agile Requirements
- Group Interviewing
- Overview of Analysis
- "Thinking about Stuff"
- Decomposition Analysis
- Additive/Subtractive Analysis
- Gap Analysis
- Decision Analysis
- Root Cause Analysis
- Stakeholder Needs Analysis
- Overview of Modeling
- Flowcharts
- Swim Lane Flowcharts
- Entity-Relationship Modeling
- State-Transition Modeling
- Data Flow Modeling
- Use Case Modeling
- Business Process Modeling
- Notations: UML and BPMN
- Socialization
- Presentation
- Change Control
- Gaining a Senior Manager’s Support
- Scenario
- Scenario Overview
- High-Level Interview
- Detailed Interview
- Initial Documentation
- Transforming the Requirements
- Stakeholder Needs Analysis
- Decomposition Analysis
- Swim Lane Flowchart
- Finalizing the Requirements (via a Walk-Through)
- Analysis & Modeling Method Selection
- Work on Live Project Case Study